Osgi Activator Spring Context

The OSGi Alliance, formerly known as the Open Services Gateway initiative, is an open standards organization founded in March 1999 that originally specified and.

Servlet Context Listener Plugin Module; OSGi, Spring and the Plugin Framework. Spring DM takes the service model of OSGi and simplifies it into Spring terms.

We would like to show you a description here but the site won t allow us.

DeveloperWorks; Technical topics; SOA and web services; Technical library; OSGi and Spring, Part 1: Build and deploy OSGi bundles using Apache Felix. A step-by-step.

How to properly include Spring into an OSGified bundle

Bundle-Activator is a Manifest Header which specifies a class, implementing the org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator interface, which will be called at bundle.

Hello, OSGi, Part 1: Bundles for beginners. More like this. Hello, The Plug-in Context dialog will open. Activator.java and MANIFEST.MF.

I have a very simple OSGI app that just listens on register/unregister and sends some message to stdout.

What I have in my app is a simple Spring initialized bean. I use the maven bundle plugin to bundle the jar and put it into felix. This is an exceprt of the pom:

The project compiles just fine and can be deployed into Felix just fine, however, when the activator is called, it complains about missing dependency like that:

Unresolved constraint in bundle foo.bar.project 56 : Unable to

resolve 56.0: missing requirement 56.0 osgi.wiring.package;

osgi.wiring.package org.springframework.context version 3.1.0. version 4.0.0

In which felix complains that android-dalvik is not present, so I am completely clueless.

Any idea how to include Spring in an OSGI project without using Spring DM.

EDIT: Here is what the generated manifest complains about from web console

foo.bar.osgi foo.bar.service foobar.tracker

Imported Packages org.osgi.framework,version 1.6,2 from

org.apache.felix.framework 0 org.osgi.util.tracker,version 1.5,2

from org.apache.felix.framework 0 ERROR:

org.springframework.context,version 3.1,4 -- Cannot be resolved

ERROR: org.springframework.context.support,version 3.1,4 -- Cannot

Manifest Headers Bnd-LastModified: 1339014840268

Bundle-Activator: foo.bar.osgi.Activator

Bundle-SymbolicName: foo.bar.OSGIProject

Bundle-Version: 0.20.0.SNAPSHOT

Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin

Export-Package: foo.bar.osgi.tracker; uses: foo.bar.osgi.service,

org.osgi.util.tracker, org.osgi.framework,

foo.bar.osgi; uses: org.springframework.context.support,

org.springframework.context, org.osgi.framework, foo.bar.osgi.service

org.osgi.framework; version 1.6, 2, org.osgi.util.tracker;

version 1.5, 2, org.springframework.context; version 3.1, 4,

org.springframework.context.support; version 3.1, 4

Manifest-Version: 1.0 Tool: Bnd-1.15.0



OSGi and Spring Update: JSR 232 is is promoted for OSGi applications; your bundle activator should configure a registry and the Spring application context.